1. FOOD SAFETYSharing is caring, but we DO NOT share snacks with each other because we never know what can trigger a mild to severe food allergy in others.
We always wash our hands before eating anything, and enjoy your food while you are sitting. To prevent students from choking, no food or drink allowed on the bus to Champion. If you have food allergies, please ensure that allergies sources are being specifically mentioned on the registration. We urge parents that they should store allergy medications at Champion if the allergy is moderate to severe. |
2. NO RUNNINGWe DO NOT run at any time. Running in the hallway, in the parking lot or in the gym is very likely to cause injury to oneself, or others,especially on slippery surfaces.
Even though Champion is holding a monthly fire drill, students should walk fast in a nice orderly fashion toward an emergency exit, instead of running. |
3. SCHOOL BUS RULESPut your seatbelt on at all time as required and stay seated in a moving vehicle. Some students may be required to use booster seats depending on their weights and heights.
No horseplay, yelling, eating, drinking or moving inside a moving vehicle. These behaviors can be easily distractive for a driver who need laser-focused attention while driving. Do not reach out of the car window at any time. |
4. DOOR SAFETYAll classroom doors should be closed only during class. Classroom doors should not be locked by students at any time.
Student of any age are not allowed to leave the Champion building without being accompanied by a parent/caregiver/staff/teacher. As required from the local building codes, Champion has installed emergency exit doors for fast evacuation purposes. |
5. SURVEILLANCEChampion has installed security cameras in almost every classrooms, gym, and near the exit doors. They are always on even when the building is unoccupied for safety purposes.
On some Champion buses, security cameras are also available to ensure students 'are behaving under school bus rules. |
6. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESSChampion conducts a fire drill once a month. During the fire drill, the Champion parking lot will be locked down for emergency gathering. Students will be well-prepared on how to evacuate quickly from the building in orderly fashion, and where a safety shelter as directed by teachers and staffs.
To prevent, prepare, respond and recover from an emergency caused by natural disasters and man-made events, Champion has come up with an emergency plan to be followed by teachers and staffs with clear and defined roles in an emergency. |